Friday, January 19, 2007


Vat iz up?

I finally started a blog! I like things that don't need justifications, I like blogs because it's just ramblings (damn, this is harder to express than expected!)

I don't know what I'd talk about, but I think poetry and fashion will be major topics. We will see, if I am still bloging in a year's time, I shall revisit 'what-I-am-talking-about.'

I guess I will also try to improve on my French. I'll try and visit French blogs that are written in proper French (so that I won't waste time looking up non-existing words.) I am also adamant that I should write properly (captialization, grammer etc.) I read/heard/saw somewhere that writing in internet lingo (i, lol, u etc.) can creep into your other daily (supposedly official) writings and cause you harm. There will be mistakes, and I hope I will be notified (don't be shy, you don't know me and you probably will never meet me, be mean.)

I chose the display picture because it's a perfect metaphor for the first post. It's a new beginning (dawn) but one that is uncertain (fog), time (sun) will tell whether this blog (flight) will live or not!

You (I just said that because I noticed all my other paragraphs started with I!!!)

Au Revoir

P.S: Picture courtesy of balupix from flickr

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